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Yay! This is my Brain Dump!!
Thursday 10 September 2009 3:23 pm
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This is my Brain Dump! I am so happy that I finally have a Brain Dump!

So what am I going to use this Brain Dump for? At the moment I am not 100% certain. I guess I am going to use this Brain Dump to share my interests, like:
- paintings
- digital pictures
- arts
- movies
- musics
- books
- stuff I read from web

Basically everything. But no, this is not a blog. I do have personal blogs.

Let's see how it goes aye!
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Thursday 10 September 2009
Jacqualine Chow  09:36 pm
  Hmmmm, it's more a personal thingy... my friend use his as a recipes sharing thingy, me use it as an interesting sharing thingy...
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steven.li.nz  06:49 pm
  So how is this different to a blog? Or a twitter? Or a plurk? Or to Facebook feed?
Jacqualine Chow  05:08 pm
  Haha, you can comment, change your name (in My Details), change your icon, Rubber Stamp a post (see right top corner of a post), etc...
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sally.che  05:07 pm
  do we have to do anything here? what do i do? hahah
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