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Album:The Resistance - Muse
Friday 11 September 2009 10:26 am
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Release Date: 14th September 2009

Okay, I have to admit that, accidentally, seriously, accidentally and unexpectedly, I have acquired the songs before the album release date. Muse themselves and people do give pretty high expectation and rating to this album. Since I have listened only once last night while I was reading a book and chatting on MSN, I cannot really say anything at this stage.  I do have high expectation on the Exogenesis part I,II and III though. Will see.


Preview songs of the album: http://muse.mu/media-player/albums/47/the-resistance/


P.S. I love the cover. Good composition of colour opposites.

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Wednesday 16 September 2009
Jacqualine Chow  01:20 pm
  Bought the CD today. Stephen told me to buy from the same shop he bought so I would not get a better deal and he would not feel ripoff. :D
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