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Thursday 10 September 2009


Jacqualine Chow commented on the following Picture.  9:41 pm

What brings up this gallery... I bought the ArtNews Spring 2009, and it talks about the guy who d...
Jacqualine Chow posted a Picture.  Thursday 10 September 2009 4:42 pm
Tauranga Art Gallery 1
Tauranga Art Gallery 1
It looks really nice. I would like to visit this gallery some time...
(From the Album Tauranga Art Gallery)


Jacqualine Chow commented on the following Announcement.  9:36 pm

Hmmmm, it's more a personal thingy... my friend use his as a recipes sharing thingy, me use it as...
Jacqualine Chow posted an Announcement.  Thursday 10 September 2009 3:23 pm
Yay! This is my Brain Dump!!
This is my Brain Dump! I am so happy that I finally have a Brain Dump!

So what am I goi...

Item load error

Jacqualine Chow posted a Book.  5:18 pm

A generic error occurred in GDI+.


Jacqualine Chow commented on the following Announcement.  5:08 pm

Haha, you can comment, change your name (in My Details), change your icon, Rubber Stamp a post (s...
Jacqualine Chow posted an Announcement.  Thursday 10 September 2009 3:23 pm
Yay! This is my Brain Dump!!
This is my Brain Dump! I am so happy that I finally have a Brain Dump!

So what am I goi...


Jacqualine Chow posted a Picture.  5:02 pm

Robert Rauschenberg, Charlene,1954
Robert Rauschenberg, Charlene,1954
Robert Rauschenberg (American, 1925-2008). Charlene, 1954. Combine painting. Stedelijk Museum, Am...


Jacqualine Chow commented on the following Blog.  4:59 pm

Hugh, you are the first one write a comment here! :D
Item load error
Jacqualine Chow posted a Blog.  Thursday 10 September 2009 4:01 pm
A generic error occurred in GDI+.


Jacqualine Chow posted an Album.  4:45 pm

Jacqualine Chow posted a Picture.  4:42 pm
Tauranga Art Gallery 1
Tauranga Art Gallery 1
It looks really nice. I would like to visit this gallery some time...
Jacqualine Chow posted a Picture.  4:44 pm
Tauranga Art Gallery 2
Tauranga Art Gallery 2
So much space! So Big! Really want to go! >.<

Item Collection

Jacqualine Chow posted an Item Collection.  4:16 pm

Item load error
Jacqualine Chow posted a Link.  4:14 pm
A generic error occurred in GDI+.
Item load error
Jacqualine Chow posted a Link.  4:16 pm
A generic error occurred in GDI+.

Item load error

Jacqualine Chow posted a Blog.  4:01 pm

A generic error occurred in GDI+.


Jacqualine Chow posted an Announcement.  3:23 pm

Yay! This is my Brain Dump!!
This is my Brain Dump! I am so happy that I finally have a Brain Dump!

So what am I goi...
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